Has Healthcare become a business in America?

In America, the prices of healthcare are higher than most places. Since 2007, the prices of healthcare, have increased by 21% which is greater than the general economy.

Healthcare which is referred to as a lifesaving profession is no longer a non-profit business. It has become a for-profit business and is strictly referred to as a business term.

Why We Are Saying So?

Medical institutes, multi-specialization hospitals, insurance firms, pharmaceutical companies everyone is in on this for money making only. They have shifted their focus from finding a cure for illnesses to giving lifetime hospital memberships to patients. Despite such high prices and advanced facilities, the number of sick people in America is increasing every year. People are sicker in America than ever. Instead of finding the root cause of illness, Doctors are focusing on expensive long-term treatments.

For example- Metabolic diseases like type-1, type-2 diabetes, or heart conditions many more. They all originate from a root cause which is obesity. Instead of tackling obesity and stopping these metabolic diseases from happening. Doctors are busy discovering more variations of them or prescribing medication to the patient for the rest of their lives.

Why Healthcare Don’t Recommend Natural Treatment? 

The concept of “Health is Wealth” and good habits like eating healthy, and using herbs and natural remedies are being taken out of the spotlight. As these methods are not profitable for the healthcare business. These ideas work against the motives of business minds that are behind the healthcare industry.

What Are People’s Attitudes On This Model?

Nowadays, people avoid going to a doctor as they prescribe a list of tests that can cut your pockets short. There are many testimonials that you can find online describing the horrors of getting trapped in the vicious cycle of private hospitals.

Are Doctors also in on this?

Being a doctor is a noble profession. While some doctors uphold their morals and put their duty first and foremost. Some doctors are getting led astray from the path. Irrespective of professions and businesses, the influence of corruption is traceable everywhere.

Impact Of This Sinful Act on The Doctors.

Why are doctors so stressed? Also, the depression rate and suicide rate among doctors are noticeable.

It can be due to long hours of shift but many professions demand the same hours of effort. It might be due to the dark side of healthcare they have encountered. This guilt might grow in their conscious mind and lead to stress, depression, and even suicide in extreme cases.

How Big Industry The Healthcare Has Become?

The healthcare industry has grown beyond the $ 4,000,000,000,000. Yes, this industry is a 4 trillion dollar large. It is like a compactly knitted spider’s web that focuses on exploiting the patients. From selling expensive medical insurance to prescribing expensive tests that are not required.

How To Escape The Healthcare  Trap?

Since healthcare is no longer about being healthy.

Dr. Casey Means gave her insights on how we can stay healthy at a cellular level. We all have heard about the powerhouse of the cell “Mitochondria”. Basic biology stuff from high school.

For a healthy body, this cell needs to work optimally. The changes in our lifestyle and our diet, have drastically affected our cellular health. By fixing our routine we can save 100s and 1000s of dollars of hospital bills.

Your health is in your own hands let’s all take a step towards a healthier tomorrow.

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This Content is written by Krishna Jindal


I am the founder of "Biznet Duniya" and work actively to provide readers with exclusive business updates, startup stories, market updates, and interesting business case studies.

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